Wednesday, April 6, 2011

So This is a Blog?

So my fellow classmates and I were given a task for our Advanced Composition Class which was to create a blog and sadly, actually use it. I must admit that I'm not quite fond of the idea just yet but I'm holding on to a glimmer of hope that I will eventually learn to live with the idea of using one on a regular basis. I will add that Hannah Baxter is my pen name so please feel free to come up with any mental idea of what Hannah may look like because she isn't me. Because this is for an English class I'm hoping to use this site as an insight to certain books, to publish a few little things I write on my free time, to look into the deeper meaning of writing essays and I will also probably mainly use this to rant about life when I feel the need to unload all of my burdens. Hopefully this will give u a decent idea of some things that I will be talking about. This should be interesting.


  1. Yeah, it is. In case I say anything super stupid, they can't trace it back to me. It will be our little secret.

  2. Nice start, Hannah. I'm wondering why you're not fond of the blog idea. It seems like you have some interesting topics in mind for future posts. I'm looking forward to reading your work!
