Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fake Hollywood

For an assignment we were given we were told to come up with an analogy for anything.. I had a horrible trouble coming up with one but I think I went on a good rant so it was good enough to share. Here it goes.

Hollywood is as fake as a plastic barbie. It's frustrating to see images of skinny, mentally unsettled people on the cover of magazines sucking up all of the fame they can until their time runs out. The idea of the American dream has changed from having a settled family into making it big by almost any means necessary. The idea of being a talented actor/actress has also changed. Now suddenly you need to have the full "package". What is that? A pretty face, nice body and an attitude that could win people over. Did you realize I didn't mention anything about talent? A majority of actors got it big by familiarity, connections or money. Very few actually get there by pure talent and the ones that do I think are the most memorable. Now most children dream about being the girl on the cover of their favorite magazine. What happened to wanting a normal childhood filled with irresponsibility behind closed doors and not in the publics eye? Children are being fed a certain image that most can't reach like being a certain size or look a certain way for example. If we all were able to achieve that, no one would be unique and we would all be walking in a fake and boring wonderland.

Speaking as a hopeful future actress, I'm longing to make a living out of something I enjoy doing. I'm not going in there hoping to be noticed or to make it big. I know for a fact that I wouldn't be able to thrive in the Hollywood stereotypes that have been ingrained in their heads. People have become so obsessed with physical characteristics. For non-model-friendly actors/actresses, the image of Hollywood is making it almost impossible for us to make a decently good living doing what we love.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

What If?

So for our advanced composition class we were given a task to go to and read an article then respond. The article I read was about a writer who got writers block. A close friend of hers tried to help her by giving her an idea of someone knocking on the door. She then went into depth on how many times writers and readers think to themselves "what if" and how she created a whole separate book made out of some of her scenarios she thought of. I myself have asked this same question and my mind starts to wander into the many possibilities of what might happen. At the end of the article she states that the next time you get writers block, to ask yourself "what if." I find this very interesting and I'm very tempted to try this the next time I'm trying to write a story and I don't know where else to take a character. Most times I know how I want the story to end but not exactly how to get there which I think most writers would agree is one of the most difficult parts. I'm not sure if this will actually forever cure writers block but it seems like it would help with most stories as long as it sticks to what you want to happen and your imagination doesn't take you too far. So now I would like to ask you a question. What if?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Future Plans

     So one of our assignments was to write about a topic that someone else comes up with so I was given the topic of future life plans. This should be interesting. Well I'm currently a senior and I'm planning on going to college starting in the Fall and I'm debating if I want to double major or minor in Music, vocal mainly. I already auditioned for the program major that I wanted which was a BFA in Acting, specifically theatre. I auditioned a year early just for the experience and I was accepted which really surprised me. The day of the audition was sadly also the same day that I had to put down one of my pets that I've had for several years so it was an all around tough day in general let alone that I emotionally wasn't ready for an audition. I will admit that I messed up several times but apparently I covered it up with enough grace that they didn't notice or care, though I sure did. Anyway, that program starts my sophomore year right on schedule. After that program I'm planning on staying in Wisconsin until I get on my feet though I truthfully hate it here, but I think it's a smart thing to do in the end.
     Hopefully my acting career later takes me to England. I've always dreamed of visiting and perhaps living there in the future. I'm having my fingers crossed for living there. Everyone always asks me why I would like to live there. With acting it's a tough industry and many only get so far. At least in England you see more "average" people acting and making a living out of it because they aren't stuck on the Hollywood stereotype that everyone has to be stick skinny and have a certain perfect look about them, to me Hollywood is unrealistic and I don't see that changing any time soon, we can only hope.
     I truthfully don't know what my future holds or if all of my plans will even work out in the end, but that's one of the interesting things about life. All I hope is that I live a long and happy life doing something I love.