Thursday, May 5, 2011

Future Plans

     So one of our assignments was to write about a topic that someone else comes up with so I was given the topic of future life plans. This should be interesting. Well I'm currently a senior and I'm planning on going to college starting in the Fall and I'm debating if I want to double major or minor in Music, vocal mainly. I already auditioned for the program major that I wanted which was a BFA in Acting, specifically theatre. I auditioned a year early just for the experience and I was accepted which really surprised me. The day of the audition was sadly also the same day that I had to put down one of my pets that I've had for several years so it was an all around tough day in general let alone that I emotionally wasn't ready for an audition. I will admit that I messed up several times but apparently I covered it up with enough grace that they didn't notice or care, though I sure did. Anyway, that program starts my sophomore year right on schedule. After that program I'm planning on staying in Wisconsin until I get on my feet though I truthfully hate it here, but I think it's a smart thing to do in the end.
     Hopefully my acting career later takes me to England. I've always dreamed of visiting and perhaps living there in the future. I'm having my fingers crossed for living there. Everyone always asks me why I would like to live there. With acting it's a tough industry and many only get so far. At least in England you see more "average" people acting and making a living out of it because they aren't stuck on the Hollywood stereotype that everyone has to be stick skinny and have a certain perfect look about them, to me Hollywood is unrealistic and I don't see that changing any time soon, we can only hope.
     I truthfully don't know what my future holds or if all of my plans will even work out in the end, but that's one of the interesting things about life. All I hope is that I live a long and happy life doing something I love.


  1. I also want to study in England! My reasons are more shallow though. I like their accents and I just want to experience freedom. Plus I've never been to another country.

  2. England sounds like an enjoyable place. It also seems like you have everything planned out very well and you're heading in the right direction. Don't say that Hollywood is unrealistic though, anything can happen. I wish you the best of luck! :)

  3. Vince you are so unique that you belong some where with more class, I agree that Hollywood is not a healthy enviornment mentally and emotionally. Your future seems to be a lot more planned out than mine.

  4. Thanks for all of your support. :)
